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Broadband PTT & LMR Interop

Instant PTT communications unbounded by coverage
area, network technology or device type.

Motorola Solutions has the industry’s largest portfolio of broadband PTT and LMR interoperability solutions, you can find the right fit for your organization’s needs.


Critical Connect LMR Interoperability

Critical Connect
LMR Interoperability

Critical Connect from MSI provides cloud-based interoperability between Interoperability between land mobile radio (LMR) systems, broadband PTT, and applications to eliminate barriers and unify communications for all responders.

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WAVE PTX™ Broadband Push-To-Talk

WAVE PTX™ Broadband

MSI’s WAVE PTX is a network-independent broadband, nationwide, Push-to-Talk (PTT) subscription service that instantly connects your team across any device, from any location at the push of a button.

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